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[anonymized for review]

Reverse Psychology:

Hierarchical Dissonance

How can we create empathy within the imbalanced power structure of warehouse workers?

What are some of the ways to prevent structural abuse within the corporate system?

Imagine your manager. Yes. That manager. The bane of your existence. That individual who constantly checks on your work rate. That individual micromanages how long you eat your lunch or take your breaks. That individual is currently about to look over your shoulder and condescendingly correct how you work. That individual that makes your work life hell. 

While Amazon’s ‘amazing’ employee monitoring can increase production rate and ‘motivation’ to be on one’s best behavior, not only is it an invasion of personal privacy but the inhumane aspect is detrimental to the worker’s mental health and morale. We, as Amazon’s honest and hardworking workers, are treated like inhumane robots and statistics for the ‘greater good’. Large companies will be blindsided by the minimal advantages, such as increased gross revenue due to advanced production rates, and uncaringly continue the cycle of structural abuse. 

The solution is not to outright rebel against this system, but to employ the same methodology against it. With a direct experience of the detrimental effects of intrusive monitoring technologies, perhaps those in power can fully understand what those at the bottom go through during every shift. 


Here, we introduce “Z to A” application with tracking functions.

FC Worker Exclusive

The app is set apart from Amazon and is FC workers ONLY

Community Building

The app's bottom-up approach allows for a collective sense of community among warehouse workers, even those in separate locations 

Priortizing Mental Health

In contrast to Amazon’s A to Z app, the Z to A app prioritizes warehouse workers’ mental health

Alert System

Physical and Digital Alert systems are available. RFID tags and mobile applications provide information sharing between the managerial tracking system and alert system. 

  Z to A Application

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